What Punctuation Mark Am I



I think I’m a question mark because a lot of people, especially my family tend to say I ask a lot of questions and I’m a really curious person. I also am a exclamation mark. I tend to stick out a lot . People also say I have a loud voice. For example, at home I’m always asking questions about the most random things, and when we are out of the house I usually always have a loud voice. I’m a exclamation point because I am also very athletic and me being energetic helps. I am a ? and a ! and I’m proud to be those punctuation marks.


My Plank And Daily Habit

Hi, for the last few weeks we did the plank challenge. In the plank challenge you plank and every two days the time you have to plank increases 10 more seconds. Now don’t get me wrong, it was very difficult and day by day it got easier and easier. My final plank time was 3 minutes.

My daily habit is walk to run. I’m going to walk every day and halfway through the month I’ll run. I’m going to be doing a lot of this on the Peloton exercise machine. I think this is great because it gets me exercise.